Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing

该系提供创意写作美术硕士研究生课程. 学生参加小说、创意非小说、诗歌写作工作坊. 此外,学生还将学习非裔美国文学和非裔美国文学 American literature. MFA candidates also present an MFA thesis (minimum 30 poems or 5篇短篇故事(至少100页)或150页的小说或创造性非小说类作品, 成功地完成了非裔美国文学的综合考试, and a public literary reading/performance of their original work (manuscript). Essentially, 论文由一部诗集、一部短篇小说集或一部小说组成 students may publish after graduation. Students will show competency in the genre 他们可以从以下类别中选择:虚构类,创造性非虚构类, and poetry. Students may take course work in playwriting and scriptwriting for film and television as electives.

美术创意写作硕士学位是一个终极学位,也是合适的 credential for the teaching of creative writing. According to the Associated Writing Programs, the MFA in creative writing is considered the equivalent of the Ph.D. in literature, linguistics, or composition. Holders of the degree from Chicago State 大学不仅可以教授创意写作课程,还可以开设课程 非裔美国文学,非洲文学,第三世界文学 as non-Black literature. The MFA degree focuses on the study of writing through the practice, performance, and publication of original work.

Visiting Writers

在整个学年中,作家的威望和文学声誉得到确立 serve as visiting writers at CSU. MFA students have an opportunity to participate 在由知名诗人、小说家、短篇作家举办的写作工作坊或研讨会上 story writers, playwrights, and scriptwriters. Visiting Writers include Martin Espada, 尊敬的范农·杰弗斯,托马斯·塞耶斯·埃利斯,罗杰·博纳尔·阿加德,克里斯托·威尔金森, Kevin Coval, Frank Walker, Achy Obejas, and Sterling Plumpp. 

Admission Requirements

为了进入这个项目,未来的MFA学生必须满足一般要求 在研究生院,持有文学和科学学士学位 an accredited college or university, and have a GPA of 3.0 or better (on a 4.00 scale). 申请人必须完成一门通识教育课程,包括 自然科学、生物科学、数学、社会科学等课程 humanities. Applicants who do not have an undergraduate major in English may be admitted on the condition that they make up deficiencies in course work.

第一部分:研究生办公室的申请表,正式成绩单, 三封推荐信,GRE一般考试成绩,以及一篇个人描述 the nature of their writing and their writing process. Part Two: a portfolio of creative work: for poets, 20 pages of poetry; for fiction and creative non-fiction writers, 40 pages of prose. The portfolio is the most essential part of the application. Every manuscript is read by the MFA faculty committee.

Submit all application materials to:

Division of Graduate Studies
Chicago State University
9501 South King Drive, LIB338
Chicago, IL 60628

General Requirements

Fulfillment of the general requirements for admission to the graduate program.

完成至少18个学期的英语本科课程 and the baccalaureate degree, with an acceptable grade point average.

完成至少36个学分的研究生课程 of teaching methods courses, with grades averaging B (3.0) or above.

Successful completion of the:

1)    Thesis
3)    Oral presentation

Specific Requirements

完成三十六个学时的英语研究生工作 the approval of the MFA advisor. Teaching methods courses are excluded.


Core Course Requirements

Publishing (6 hrs) Choose ENG 5456 and 3 additional hours
Literature (9 hrs) Choose at least one seminar
Thesis (6 hrs)

Workshop/Writing Courses

  1. Eng 5367 - Special Topics in English
  2. Eng 5368 - Workshop in English
  3. Eng 5380 - Seminar in Creative Nonfiction
  4. Eng 5381 - Seminar in Fiction
  5. Eng 5383 - Seminar in Poetry
  6. Eng 5395 - Internship in Writing
  7. Eng 5451 - Independent Study in English
  8. Eng 5461 - Adv Poetry Writing Workshop
  9. Eng 5463 - Adv Prose Fiction Writing Wkshp
  10. Eng 5465 - Adv Nonfiction Writing Workshop
  11. CMAT 5323 - Writing for Television
  12. CMAT 5324 - Writing for Screenplay
  13. CMAT 5373 - Advanced Script writing

Publishing Courses

  1. Eng 5379 - Workshop in Publishing
  2. Eng 5395 - Internship in Publishing
  3. Eng 5456 - Seminar in Publishing-Writing

Literature Courses

  1. Eng 5321 - Black Women Writers
  2. Eng 5322 - Black American Poetry
  3. Eng 5323 - Wright, Ellison, and Baldwin
  4. Eng 5324 - Gwendolyn Brooks Seminar
  5. Eng 5331 - Literary Criticism
  6. Eng 5332 - Black American Fiction
  7. Eng 5370 - The Amer Ethnic Experience in Lit
  8. Eng 5382 - The Harlem Renaissance
  9. Eng 5384 - African American Autobiography
  10. Eng 5390 - Women's Voices
  11. Eng 5428 - History of Literary Criticism
  12. Eng 5441 - Advanced Studies in English Lit
  13. Eng 5442 - Advanced Studies in American Lit
  14. Eng 5443 - Advanced Studies in Black Lit
  15. Eng 5447 - Seminar in Black Literature
  16. Eng 5452 - Seminar in English Literature
  17. Eng 5453 - Seminar in American Literature


Program Objectives

  • Upon completion of the program students will be able to demonstrate:
  • 对适用的文学标准和流派有透彻的了解 in fiction, non-fiction, poetry, play writing, and script writing.
  • 运用恰当的词典术语分析文学创作的能力 and standards.
  • 文学时期的知识以及对历史背景的理解 impact a literary work.
  • Technical and artistic skill in crafting their own writing.
  • 对不同文化背景的作家创作的文学作品的知识和鉴赏 backgrounds.
  • Ability to use technology in producing or critiquing literary works.
  • Skills and knowledge base needed to publish work of literary worth.
  • 有能力在社区学院和四年制大学教授创意写作 levels.
  • Independent work as an active creative writer, i.e., publication and performance as a novelist, poet, short story writer, playwright or screenwriter.

The Gwendolyn Brooks Center for Black Literature and Creative Writing

艺术硕士课程设在格温多林·布鲁克斯黑人文学中心 and Creative Writing.  Founded in 1990, The Gwendolyn Brooks Center is a literary 文化中心致力于科研、教学和信息传播 关于广受赞誉的黑人作家,尤其是格温多林·布鲁克斯(1917-2000)的生活和作品, former Poet Laureate of Illinois and Distinguished Professor of English at CSU.  The 布鲁克斯中心的目标是加强人文学科的整体发展,促进人文学科的发展 向当地、全国和国际学生群体介绍黑人作家的研究, faculty, and the general public.  The Center's broad selection of culturally insightful 学术激励项目包括一年一度的格温多林·布鲁克斯作家奖 会议,黑人历史月视频和电影节,以及妇女历史月 Lecture and Workshop Series, and The Conjure Woman Writing Writing Workshops.  The 中心出版了一本两年一度的文学杂志,《188bet金宝搏官网登录网址》 and Ideas, featuring the works of renowned, emerging, and new writers.

艺术硕士毕业生的书出版与西蒙和舒斯特,主要街道Rag,第三 世界出版社,城市图书和柳树出版社,并获得了以下奖项: 奖学金和奖品:富布赖特和卡内姆奖学金,海外过渡 叙事写作比赛,长生不老诗奖决赛,公会复杂非小说类 Award finalist, and The Essence Magazine bestseller list.  Their work has appeared 发表在《188bet金宝搏官网登录网址》、《188bet金宝搏官网登录网址》、《188bet金宝搏官网登录网址》等全国性文学期刊上 Sage Publications.  Since the first graduating class in 2003, six students have gone to Ph.D. programs.  Half have received their doctorate degrees in English/Creative 写作和三是来自威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校和密尔沃基分校的ABD, 芝加哥伊利诺伊大学和奥尔巴尼纽约州立大学 and Binghamton.  Finally, our graduates hold tenure-track teaching positions/administrative 在威利学院、纽黑文大学、纽约新学院、 芝加哥城市学院、普渡大学、莱恩学院、德保罗大学、 and Columbia College, Chicago.

MFA Faculty (and Recent Publications)

Kelly Norman Ellis, Director

《188bet金宝搏官网登录网址》,作者之一.L. Hunter.

Brenda E. Aghahowa

Grace Under Fire: Barbara Jordan's Rhetoric, Praising in Black and White.

Sandra Jackson-Opoku

Hot Johnny (and the women who loved him) (2001); Sea Island Summer (2001); The River Where Blood is Born (1998).

Quraysh Ali Lansana


Nnedi Okorafor

Zahrah the Windseeker, The Shadow Speaker, Long Juju Man, and Who Fears Death.

Discover the Works of Faculty, Alum and Current Students